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The fight against Systemd doesn't stop at the init system

If you've used Linux for some amount of time and grown distasteful with systemd, you've probably came across this site knows as nosystemd.org. There was a time when all of the distributions listed here had a faithful goal: to ensure that we are free from being forced into the systemd ecosystem. Over the years the fight became harder than it was from the beginning when components such as (and especially) the login management daemon known as logind became infused into crucial components for common desktop usage which could easily be circumvented by patches or slight tweaks to those components. Gentoo decided to extract logind directly from systemd as an easy way out of getting these things to work. Unlike these Linux distributions, logind would never work on FreeBSD for instance, so the FreeBSD port maintainers have ever since then been a showcase of what was needed to keep a functional desktop in the absence of systemd in its entirety. This meant nothing more than the tweaks and patches I mentioned earlier. Why, then, can Linux distributions not do the same? It would be even easier you would think since we're talking about the GNU ecosystem which is what many projects initially built off of before being ported to *BSD.

If you look at PCLinuxOS it's gone all these years without a drop of elogind and it's meant for everyday desktop users, not fringe cave-dwellers as a certain Slackware developer likes to label systemd-freedomlovers. For some reason instead of ensuring we can be free of systemd, we've decided it's OK to adopt components of it that on any given day could be jeopordized by a decision upstream at Systemd HQ. Even worse, many of these "systemd-free" distributions such as Slackware or Devuan defend the usage of elogind, going so far as to force it on their users leaving us back to where we were when we first started to resist the init system. It's 2024 and it's more than the init system, wake up and start to realize if not for PCLinuxOS and not for an ever-shrinking list of other distributions which resist elogind, we would one day be inching towards the acceptance of every single component that makes systemd the joke that is is out of pure convenience, because if you've learned anything from this, the developers of elogind-systemd distributions are willing to give up the fight because its easy to just let someone else like the systemd developers make the decisions for you.