Hunter's Webstead
Howdy! This is my little spot on the internet. I'm known as hunter0one on the net, but you can just call me Hunter.
I've had a bunch of usernames, some that are rather convulated, but I finally decided to keep things simple and have my name alongside my birth year. The usernames "Hunter01" or "hunter01" are already taken by somebody on most services, so to still keep the same meaning I came up with hunter0one (said like "Hunter 01") and it has stuck since.
I could flex by having my own domain, but that's about it. I used to have one but I don't really have the time to maintain the server myself. Neocities makes this easy. Typically these kinds of websites (the best websites in my opinion) are less than a GB in size, which is something you could probably host on a spare computer yourself. If I ever got a domain it would be to host my own email and services probably.
Right now I'm a butcher. I enjoy computer operating systems such as GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and other hussles on the side.
See Donations.